Coaching and confidence

If coaching has taught me anything about human nature, it’s that everyone struggles to feel truly confident from time-to-time. Imposter syndrome, comparison, perfection paralysis and negative self-talk all chip away at our confidence and can sabotage our personal and professional peace. And leaders – even the most accomplished executives – are certainly not immune to this malady.

Based on my experience, a lack of confidence is the number one theme that comes up most often in executive coaching. And it’s also the area of greatest improvement for leaders at all levels. “My confidence has gone from a five out of 10 to nearly a nine because of these conversations!” declared one client. “Coaching has had such an impact on me – I feel so much more confident in just two months,” said another.

Comments like these (and so many others) compelled me to ponder why coaching can be such a powerful tool to improve confidence, and led to the following realizations:

  1. Voicing your thoughts is a game changer. Getting out of your head and sharing your thoughts with a trusted thinking partner provides a more objective and balanced perspective of what’s really going on. It helps shut down that inner critic and allows you to more clearly see the situation and the solution.

  2. Having a safe, confidential space to share is critical. Talking through your challenges and business decisions in a safe, confidential space often results in resolve and clarity, which increases confidence in decision making. It’s the job of the coach to ask profound questions and challenge your thinking. This process not only helps you make better business decisions, but also to be more gracious with yourself and others.

  3. Feedback matters. Getting positive feedback is often rare for executives, and coaching offers a space for leaders to truly feel seen, heard and understood in a way they may have never experienced before. Part of coaching involves acknowledging and celebrating your unique stamp of brilliance, and helping you more clearly see and amplify your natural gifts and unique value proposition.

These three things (and so much more) happen inside coaching conversations and it’s a transformative and rewarding experience for those that experience it. Interested in learning more about how coaching could improve your confidence? A confidential chat is your first step.